Definition, finiteness, immortality, direction, honor, legacy... I spend my days carving my name into stone, in hopes of someone, something, meaning beyond the limits of my flesh; life beyond ashes and dust. And time passes, my will undisturbed, my mind clear on the objective at hand, the importance of the years your eyes will never see, the times that will come to pass after your flesh decays but your mind transforms everything and everyone around it, satisfying that thirst for more than what is given to us, more than we can or should expect. Life transforms you and you in turn transform the lives around you, your time is spent in the times you live, the times you touch and speak, the times you define by your own existence. Transcendence is given the moment you first open your eyes or feel the touch of your surroundings, transcendence is part of your role in a world full of disconnected meaning, transcendence is absolute, and finally minute, in the way that you are small to a world full of beings trying to carve their names onto the same stone, spending their days etching lines over lines until the stone turns to dust, as they will, as you will, as I will.
why does this make me cry....don't do that.
Posted by: Lewil | 08/31/2005 at 11:49 AM
It's not supposed to be sad... Letting go of that hunger to become immortal, transcendental, relevant... letting go is, I think, a liberating point when the real paths in which you can make an important, valuable contribution to yourself, the world, and life. When all the constructs that seem important by default have been flattened, you can see the mountains that have always been behind them, and prepare yourself to climb. This is ecstatic, the moment when your life begins, never sad...
Don't "hang on to your pain like it means something", let it transform you, clean you, and then look inside, smile, and let it go.
Posted by: sky100010 | 09/16/2005 at 12:41 PM