It's like a puzzle, see? We try and fit the pieces that we have, and
obtain the ones we believe we'll need, in a rapidly changing context
across time and purpose. We build sections that become obsolete, find
parts we didn't need but immediately fall in love with, and refuse to
trade under any circumstances. And in this way, blocks become pieces,
and we become disconnected. At times we are guided by what we began
building long ago, at times we change by the blocks that we find in our
way. But what must we do to be complete? Or at least cohesive in our
disconnection? A larger purpose, a meta objective that guides our
actions, a sense of development. We need to inject the life of an
evolving consciousness into our paradigm of what we want our life to
become, of what we want our self to mean across stages. We need a story
where the beginning is as important as the end and the middle. We need
to be whole, interconnected, selfless.
Why don’t you just find God. I know you hate the Idea but everything you’re saying is pointing in that direction… just give in. You talk about a higher purpose a ‘real’ purpose in this abstract way, making beginnings equal to endings, and middles the same as well. What have you been struggling with? And I know it’s not just pieces to a jigsaw puzzle. The puzzle can't see itself you fit goose. you should already know that.
Ps please come to my show :)
Posted by: casey | 05/06/2005 at 11:55 AM
not the whole crack, just the top.
Posted by: Brittin | 05/06/2005 at 05:53 PM
goose i love you. you seem lost. but oddly enough you're not. you just have so much complexity in front of your eyes that you are blinded by the pure and simple facts: you have a plethera nay a shitload of friends that love you (for who you are mexican or otherwise). you have good health. a good job. you have me as one of your best friends, i mean how could you go wrong. enjoy your life goose. yes, take time to stop and smell the roses. but do it as you soul sees fit, not to what standard you feel you need to hold yourself. regret is for people with too much time on their hands. you inner colour is the colour of beauty and you just need to smile and have a good time. oh, and dont buy the 5,000 peice jigsaw puzzles their hella hard...i prefer the 10-20 piece ones you can get in the kids section at target.
Posted by: Brittin | 05/06/2005 at 05:59 PM
Brittin, I love you.
Casey, give up on god already, it's been done.
Posted by: sky100010 | 05/07/2005 at 11:46 AM
Hay! you’re the one looking for a higher purpose and answers to questions with no answers, not me. “God is dead.” I know that and you know that.
oh and I know you're probably busy or just won't respond but Ian’s show is tonight and there’s a group of us going. Call if you’re interested.
Posted by: casey | 05/09/2005 at 02:47 PM
Please forget the word God. It causes to many things to fire in your brain. The higher purpose that i talk about doesn't have anything to do with the God you're talking about. Stop arguing for the sake of arguing *slap* and yes I'm coming tonite
Look at this
Posted by: sky100010 | 05/09/2005 at 04:42 PM
Hay we’re beautiful! And If I ever did make a sky scraper out of glue (wood glue not plain old Elmer’s) and wire you’d be there to document it. Just think of all the pictures!
And do you need a ride tonight?
PS God God God God God God God God God God God God...
Posted by: casey | 05/09/2005 at 05:19 PM
Jesus wore the same clothes everyday....
just givin you a bad time Casey. I haven seen no pictures at all.
why are some of the pieces smaller than others, and why are the big ones so hard to find?
Posted by: Lewil | 05/14/2005 at 06:04 AM
You always ask the hard questions...
Posted by: sky100010 | 06/14/2005 at 02:08 PM